Sunday, July 16


Bienvenido a México!

Welcome to Jim's México blog. lol.

*sets the scene*

Basically, I'm off to México in 8 days for 14 weeks. I'm gonna spend the first 4 weeks with the Barbosa family (Pirates of the carribbean eat your heart out) in a city called Guadalajara, whilst receiving 60 hours of further spanish language tuition. Clearly not all in one go, that would be silly, and although very like me, not really practical. For the next 8 weeks I'll be living it up on a beach at Campamento Tecoman, Nr Ciudad Tecoman on the pacific coast. There I'll be spending all my time looking for turtle nests. Basically when we find a nest the eggs are taken and placed into a safe area called the Corral. When they've hatched the baby turtles are taken back out into the sea, thus being saved from the nasty predator typies. Hurrah! Huzzah!

I thought it'd be a nice idea to set up this blog to record my progress over the next 4 months. I'll have fairly regular internet access for the first month, though after that I'll only get online for a little bit one day a week. But this should be enough to get on here, let you all know how I'm doing, and hopefully post some pictures so you can see for yourselves! I'm dead excited about México, I know its going to be the trip of a lifetime.

More news when I'm not so tired! But for now,

Adios y cuidate.

Like OMG, the team at MYNSIL can't wait to see what Jimix gets up to.

(You spam me, i'll spam you back lol)
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